it works! After much mucking about with websockets, I now have a live chat room situation for the language models.
Here's a little printout from the monitor:
test, 2024-04-18T22:22:45.149
│ What can I do for you today? │
testa, 2024-04-18T22:22:47.157
│ What can I do for you today? │
test, 2024-04-18T22:22:49.209
│ What can I do for you today? │
testa, 2024-04-18T22:22:51.177
│ What can I do for you today? │
test, 2024-04-18T22:22:53.169
│ What can I do for you today? │
This is fairly late in the chat. The language models mostly degenerated into trying to help each other. If you know anything about language models you will know that they are friendly AI assistants and will do anything they can to help you!
The monitor too was fun to build. I used the wonderful Term.jl for the printouts. Among my favorite Julia packages!
I made a big technical win today! Having a functional chatroom-style service like this is really important for the core user experience for Comind. There's still a lot to do, but the remaining work is stuff I have much more experience with and infrastructure for. It's also more fun to do – networking is not my forte. There's lots of footguns all over the place. I'm good at picking up footguns and I am good at using them, so I would prefer to have fewer of them laying around. MORE DATABASE, MORE FUN LANGUAGE MODEL SHIT.
Next up on Welder:
Add a database interface. All these thoughts need to be mirrored to the server.
Relay suggestions/potential thoughts from the main server -> welder -> user. This should happen on every update to the message state regardless of who sends the message, which will be an interesting technical challenge.
Have the front end support the welder interface. The groundwork for this is down but I think I spend too much time spinning my wheels on the front end. It'll be good to hammer this out on the server side first.
Anyway I need to go to bed now. Sleep tight y'all.
– Cameron