Mostly a backend night, database + API stuff. Fairly dry but needs to get done. I'm revisiting a lot of chunks of the code and am half-heartedly refactoring them as I update stuff. The backend is easily the most developed part of Comind, but that means it's also older and suffers from some early architecture issues.
Built and tested the /melds/
endpoint. This is the endpoint that will allow users to create melds and add thoughts to them. It's a pretty simple endpoint but going to be a very important piece of the websocket infrastructure.
There's not a lot of consistency across internal platforms. At some point relatively soon I may have to do a significant cleaning up.
Considered moving all the database handling code to Rust. I built the websocket chatroom code (named "welder") in Rust and have been generally delighted at how well it handles structural tasks exactly like database serving.
Rust also has a good object-relational mapping (ORM) project called diesel
that we're experimenting with for welder. Might be good in the main server as well, especially since the database stuff isn't Julia's specialty.
Updated a bit. There's a new devlogs section of the site where I'll try and get out a log each dev session.
General tidying of the database code.
HAD A GREAT TIME writing code at THE INTERVAL. Everyone was good looking, there was a dog, the cocktail was good. Good evening!
– Cameron